(1) B-Unstoppable
Grow Your Confidence, Increase Your Success and Learn How to Become Unstoppable!
Enroll in Course
The B’Unstoppable Course will give you the KEY to unlocking your potential, so that you can move powerfully towards the life you REALLY want.
In the B’Unstoppable Course you will learn how to turn dreams into reality, understand and power through what is holding you back and get some mental hacks to increase your resilience and success in life.
There are many of us that feel stuck in a rut, making do with a life of ‘getting by’, putting our dreams off until ‘later’… making excuses for letting our fears and insecurities hold us back from living the life we REALLY want.
And this can have a BIG impact on our success, health, happiness and relationships.
As each birthday passes our dreams seem further and further away, our lives get smaller and our regrets bigger. We compare ourselves to others that seem like they have it all sorted and wonder what the difference is and how they do it, and then grudgingly return to our everyday lives just a bit sadder and disappointed in ourselves and our lot.
But… it doesn’t have to be this way!
Trust me… I’ve been there. For 22 years, my life shrunk to the four walls of my bedroom, in which every surface had been covered in leopard skin because that’s what I did with my time… I covered stuff… because I’d been hurt by something that had happened to me at work and I’d let it strip me of my power and personality. I became a victim and I wallowed in self-pity and wondered if I would ever be able to get back to the ‘me’ that I’d lost along the way.
Fortunately, I came across a cassette tape called ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ and that started me on the journey of self-discovery, learning and empowerment that turned my life around.
Today, I have two thriving businesses, I speak in front of big audiences around the world, and I get to work with powerful inspiring women and teach others a skill that can give them a great life.
I have spent years studying how to design my life and my thoughts in a way that makes me Unstoppable and I have created this course to share the tools and techniques that I have discovered so that you can do the same.
Introducing B’Unstoppable!
This course is right for you if…
- …you feel stuck in a rut, or you’re making do with a life of ‘getting by’, and you’re tired of putting your dreams off until later.
- …you would like to increase your confidence, so that you can go for what you really want.
- …you have fears and beliefs about yourself that are holding you back from living the life you want.
- …you want to stronger, happier and able to tackle life’s challenges head on!
In this 10-lesson course I will teach you:
- How to dream big!
- How to identify what’s holding you back
- How to create the map for your dream life
- How to get free from fear
- How to get into your ‘perfect’ state
- The power of body language
- How to use questions to increase your impact
- How to nourish your mind
- Daily mind boosting habits
- How to create your highlights reel
Your Instructor
"After almost burning out in a high powered corporate job as an Auditor, and hitting one of the lowest points in my life, I was seeking something different to do. I wanted something that lit me up... that fulfilled the creative, people focused and entrepreneurial aspects of my personality.
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction to the course (3:47)
StartLesson 1 - Dream Big (5:24)
StartLesson 2 - Identifying what’s holding you back (8:32)
StartLesson 3 - Creating the Map for Your Dream Life (6:25)
StartLesson 4 - Discovering Freedom from Fear (9:16)
StartLesson 5 - Getting into your Perfect State (4:46)
StartLesson 6 - The Power of Body Language (6:26)
StartLesson 7 - Using Questions to Increase Your Impact (4:31)
StartLesson 8 - How to Nourish Your Mind… (3:30)
StartLesson 9 - Daily Mind Boosting Habits (4:53)
StartLesson 10 - Creating Your Highlights Reel! (4:02)
StartTake Action! (0:43)
"Vicky’s openness and ability to inspire people with her enthusiasm made me feel that I could conquer anything that I set my mind to. I feel that my confidence is growing and I set myself small goals and can see them happening. I work with women fleeing domestic abuse and I have used some of the techniques with them to try and help them overcome their lack of confidence. I look forward to seeing Vicky again and I know that because of her love of helping others to feel better she will soar. I don’t think the world will know what has hit it!!!!" - Gina Espinoza